What Would it Mean to Your Business if...

Everyone got along, felt less stress and were generally happy to be there?

If you’re a business owner or manager of some kind, you know that your employees can be your greatest asset. When they are in top form, your company is profitable. But people are people–and like all of us, have their ups and downs. When they’re up, they get along with each other and your clients and customers. But when they’re down, all hell can break loose.

Here are a few questions for you:

  • What if the low points in your team member’s lives didn’t have to affect them and those around them so much?
  • What if your clients and customers were always treated in the same professional manner regardless of what was going on in anyone’s personal life?
  • What if there was no more backstabbing, gossiping and in-fighting amongst your colleagues?

It’s easy to imagine how the above scenario could only be good for your business. It’s also easy to imagine that it’s simply not possible–and yet it is! I’m sure it makes sense to you that when people live in a high state of mind they generally get along better than when they’re in a low one. Yet most people’s state of mind varies from day-to-day (and sometimes from moment-to-moment). 

The key to happy employees and higher productivity is for everyone on your team to be living in a higher state of mind more of the time.

And the secret to that is understanding where feelings come from.

Which is where I come in.

Jill WhalenI’m Jill Whalen, and I have over 20 years of experience with consulting and training small and large businesses. In 2013 I began a personal transformational journey and along the way discovered some basic, common sense Principles that helped me understand the way life works in a completely new way. This understanding, in turn, changed my life, my relationships and the way I do business in ways I never would have imagined.  

While my old consultancy focused on website marketing, due to the profound implications of what I’ve uncovered in my own life, my new focus is on state of mind presentations, workshops, 4-day training retreats and one-to-one consulting. If you are a business owner, an executive, or leader of any kind and would like to learn what I can provide your team, please get in touch.


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